Detecting Educational Content in Online Videos by Combining Multimodal Cues
Anirban Roy, Sujeong Kim, Claire Christensen, Madeline Cincebeaux, NeurIPS’23 Workshop GAIED
Human body Model based ID using shape and pose parameters
Aravind Sundaresan, Brian Burns, Yi Yao, Indranil Sur, Xiao Lin, Sujeong Kim, IJCB 2023: International Joint Conference on Biometrics
Rohit Gupta, Anirban Roy, Claire Christensen, Sujeong Kim, Sarah Gerard, Madeline Cincebeaux, Ajay Divakaran, Todd Grindal, Mubarak Shah, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023
CFF Karney, S Kim. Arxiv 2208.12116, 2022
A Ziskind, S Kim, GT Burachas. Arxiv Online, 2022
Anirban Roy; Sujeong Kim; Min Yin; Eric Yeh; Takuma Nakabayashi; Matt Campbell; Ian Keough; Yoshito Tsuji; 2022 IEEE Workshop on Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION)
Sujeong Kim, Amir Tamrakar. HAI '21: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction
Sujeong Kim, Abhinav Garlapati, Jonah Lubin, Amir Tamrakar. 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW)
A. Som; S. Kim; B. Lopez-Prado; S. Dhamija; N. Alozie; A. Tamrakar. Educational Data Mining (EDM) Conference, 2021
A. Som; S. Kim; B. Lopez-Prado; S. Dhamija; N. Alozie; A. Tamrakar. Frontiers in Computer Science Journal, 2021
Sujeong Kim, David Salter, Luke DeLuccia, Amir Tamrakar. HAI'20 Poster: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.
Anirudh Som, Sujeong Kim, Bladimir Lopez-Prado, Svati Dhamija, Nonye Alozie, Amir Tamrakar. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) workshop, 2020
Sujeong Kim, David Salter, Luke DeLuccia, Kilho Son, Mohamed R. Amer and Amir Tamrakar. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL): Demonstrations
Bera, Aniket & Kim, Sujeong & Manocha, Dinesh. (2018). Collective Dynamics. 3. 10.17815/CD.2018.15.
Aniket Bera, Sujeong Kim, Dinesh Manocha. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A), Nov/Dec 2016
Aniket Bera, Sujeong Kim, Dinesh Manocha. Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR) workshops
Aniket Bera, Sujeong Kim, Tanmay Randhavane, Srihari Pratapa, Dinesh Manocha. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016
Sujeong Kim, Aniket Bera, Andrew Best, Rohan Chabra, Dinesh Manocha. IEEE VR, 2016
Aniket Bera, Sujeong Kim, Dinesh Manocha. Computer and Graphics Journal
Sujeong Kim, Aniket Bera, Dinesh Manocha. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2015)
Aniket Bera, Sujeong Kim, Dinesh Manocha. Graphics Interface, 2015
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Wenxi Liu, David Wilkie, Rynson W. H. Lau, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha. The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Feb. 2015, vol. 34, no. 2, pp.201-217
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Karl Hillesland, Basim Zafar, Adnan Gutub and Dinesh Manocha. The Visual Computer, June 2014
Ravish Mehra, Lakulish Antani, Sujeong Kim, and Dinesh Manocha. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 2014 Apr;20(4):495-503.
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy and Dinesh Manocha. ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2013
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Wenxi Liu, Rynson W. H. Lau, Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha. Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2012
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Dinesh Manocha and Ming C. Lin. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2012
Sujeong Kim, Karl Hillesland, Justin Hensley. Technical Sketch, SIGGRAPH ASIA, Dec 2011
Stephen J. Guy, Sujeong Kim, Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha. ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), Aug 2011
Sujeong Kim. Master's Thesis, Ewha Womans University
Suejong Kim, Stephane Redon, Young J. Kim. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds*19(3-4), 2008
Sujeong Kim, Stephane Redon, Young J. Kim. Visual Computer 24(4), April 2008
Sujeong Kim, Xinyu Zhang, Young J. Kim, International Conference on E-learning and Games 2006 (LNCS Vol. 3942)
Predicting Pedestrian Trajectories for Crowd Scene Analysis and Robot Navigation using Bayesian Learning
Sujeong Kim, Aniket Bera and Dinesh Manocha
Workshop on Unconventional computing for Bayesian inference, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015.
Simulating Crowd Interactions in Virtual Environments
Sujeong Kim, IEEE VR Doctoral Consortium, 2014.
Predicting Pedestrian Trajectories for Robot Navigation
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Wenxi Liu, David Wilkie, Rynson W. H. Lau, Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha
Workshop at 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Predicting Pedestrian Trajectories for Robot Navigation
Sujeong Kim, Stephen J. Guy, Wenxi Liu, David Wilkie, Rynson W. H. Lau, Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha
Workshop on Women in Robotics, Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), 2014.